We remember Bill Withers. ‘Lean On Bill’

This day (March 30, 2020), in Los Angeles, California, died William Harrison Withers, Jr. a.k.a Bill Withersan American singer-songwriter and musician


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Tracklist :

1 . Ain’T No Sunshine (1974)

2 . w/ Patti Labelle & Stevie Wonder – Lean On Me (1995)

3 . Lovely Day (1988)

4 . Documentary

5 . Harlem (1974)

6 . Grandma’S Hands (1973)

7 . Use Me (1972)

8 . Lean On Me (1972)

TOP 10

Tracklist :

Ain’t No Sunshine . Lovely Day . Lean on Me . Use Me . Grandma’s Hands . Lean On Me – Single Version . Use Me – Single Version . Just The Two Of Us . Kissing My Love . Harlem .


Still Bill by Bill Withers is his second studio album (including Lean on Me and Use Me) released in May 1972. >>

Just As I Am by Bill Withers is his debut studio album (featuring the hit single Ain’t No Sunshine) released in May 1971. >>


[1972] if in Germany, do not miss Bill Withers doing Use Me at The Beat Club broadcasted from Bremen on EDF >> 5 MINUTES on RVM >>

[2014] RnB legend Bill Withers is among this year Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees at Public Hall in Cleveland, Ohio >> 22 MINUTES on RVM >>


BW Sing Top 10 (Jul 4)


BW Play Top 10 (Jul 4)

Thanks to the following musicians : Aaron Ovecka . Adam Rafferty . Andy Guitar . Assaf Gold . Beginnersongs . Ben Braybrooke . binbear4 . DanCHolloway . EricBlackmonGuitar . Guitar Domination . GuitarJamz . GuitarMadeEZ.com . HDpiano . howtoplaybassdotcom . igor petrowski . infusion26 . JamesScottGuitar . Jehu Fuentes . Jellynote Guitar . Jesse Stetson . Joe Raciti . JOSHMULLENMUSIC . Kellie Woods . lbmusictchr . LickNRiff – Free Guitar Education . lordnerox . mahalodotcom . MarloweDK covers . Matt Otten . Matthew Pickering . Matthias Waßer . Minuchrismusic . MistaTalent . mnaicck . MrGalagomusic . MunsonMusicLive . paulwwells . Piano Couture . privettricker . Rich Palooka . Richard Raymond . Sam Lorenzini . sebgratt . Siggi Mertens . TenThumbs Productions . Vladimir Plazinic


Wikipedia : This day (March 30, 2020), in Los Angeles, California, died William Harrison Withers, Jr. a.k.a Bill Withersan American singer-songwriter and musician

Bill Withers : I write and sing about whatever I am able to understand and feel. I feel that it is healthier to look out at the world through a window than through a mirror. Otherwise, all you see is yourself and whatever is behind you.

@allmusic : Songwriter/singer/guitarist Withers is best remembered for the classic Lean on Me and his other million-selling singles Ain’t No Sunshine and Use Me, but he has a sizable cache of great songs to his credit

@last.fm : His second album Still Bill also did well on the charts. It was recorded during a break in the “Just As I Am” tour and included the well-known single “Lean On Me,” which went to #1 on the charts on July 8, 1972.

@Discogs :

Photo : Amazon




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