Simon & Garfunkel release their fifth studio album : ‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ featuring ‘The Boxer,’ ‘Bridge over Troubled Water,’ ‘Cecilia’ and ‘El Condor Pasa’ (1970)

‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ by Simon & Garfunkel is their fifth and final studio album released on January 26, 1970 by Columbia.


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1 . Bridge Over Troubled Water (Madison Square Garden, NYC, 2009/10/29&30)

2 . El Condor Pasa [If I Could] (Live)

3 . Cecilia ( Live, 2008)

4 . Keep The Customer Satisfied (Miami, 12/17/03)

5 . Thoughts On Song For The Asking


Track Listing : 1.Bridge Over Troubled Water (Paul Simon) – 04:52 . 2.El Condor Pasa (If I Could) (Daniel Alomía Robles, Paul Simon, Jorge Milchberg) – 03:06 . 3.Cecilia (Paul Simon) – 02:55 . 4.Keep The Customer Satisfied (Paul Simon) – 02:33 . 5.So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright (Paul Simon) – 03:41 . 6.The Boxer (Paul Simon) – 05:08 . 7.Baby Driver (Paul Simon) – 03:14 . 8.The Only Living Boy In New York (Paul Simon) – 03:58 . 9.Why Don’T You Write Me (Paul Simon) – 02:45 . 10.Bye Bye Love (Felice And Boudleaux Bryant) – 02:55 . 11.Song For The Asking (Paul Simon) – 01:49

Musicians : Paul Simon – Lead Vocals, Guitar . Art Garfunkel – Lead Vocals . Los Incas – Peruvian Instruments . Joe Osborn – Bass Guitar . Larry Knechtel – Piano . Fred Carter, Jr. – Guitar . Peter Drake – Dobro, Pedal Steel Guitar . Hal Blaine – Drums . Jimmie Haskell – Strings . Ernie Freeman – Strings . Jon Faddis – Brass . Randy Brecker – Brass . Lew Soloff – Brass . Alan Rubin – Brass

Production : Produced By Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel, Roy Halee . Roy Halee – Engineer

Package : Tony Lane – Design . Peter Powell – Photography

Recorded November 1968 – November 1969.

Released On January 26, 1970 By Columbia.

A clear message of peace, of calm, exuded. If ever such a message needed the most sizable platform it was nowand the duo delivered with the album, also named Bridge Over Troubled Water, in the first month of the new decade. […]

The Second Disc
“What’s the point of [making] this album?,” an impossibly youthful Paul Simon asks in the 1969 television special Songs of America. “The world is crumbling.” If Simon didn’t know then why he was “just” recording an album despite all of the tumult around him, he almost certainly knows now. […]

That Simon & Garfunkel split up shortly after recording this album only makes the sentiments more fleeting and the songs more affecting, lending them a timeless quality that transcends genre and generation. […]


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Thanks to the following musicians : 14th Perception Roseknight . 1970ES335 . Alan Robinson . andrew ingram . BNStudio . Bob Tulip . Chris Owen . Christophe Deremy . Dave Stevenson . David Allen . doofus0123 . Elina . epiguitar13 . gawasiman . George Possley . georgiarose16 . glyn owen . goldhat3 . hofei . Howtorockacampfire . infusion26 . Jake Hadlee . Jerry’s Guitar Bar . John TITO . JustinGuitar Songs . Kevin Peat . kirbyscovers . kyoujikun . LickNRiff – Free Guitar Education . MeesterDavidGitaar . MidiMelody . MrBaronbleu . mumd2003 . MunsonCovers . MunsonMusicLive . NationalAnthem100 . ordepix . peacejoytown . Piano-Play-It.Com . privettricker . Richard Kittelstad . Robin van Lieshout . Shawn Cheek . TGAcousticLessons . threelegsoman . tosaytheleast . treebeard234 . Victor Stoian . Vitaly Krivenko . Vleatles . Zach Mathe


‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ by Simon & Garfunkel | RVM RadioVideo.MusicM


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