Bruford records ‘One of a Kind’ with Allan Holdsworth, Jeff Berlin and Dave Stewart (1979)
Bruford’s ‘One of a Kind’ is an album featuring Bill Bruford with Allan Holdsworth, Jeff Berlin and Dave Stewart, recorded in January 1979, and released in June 1979 By Winterfold.
Track Listing : 1.Hell’S Bells (Alan Gowen, Dave Stewart) – 03:32 . 2.One Of A Kind, Pt. 1 (Bill Bruford) – 02:20 . 3.One Of A Kind, Pt. 2 (Bill Bruford, Dave Stewart) – 04:00 . 4.Travels With Myself — And Someone Else (Bill Bruford) – 06:10 . 5.Fainting In Coils (Bill Bruford) – 06:33 . 6.Five G (Jeff Berlin, Bill Bruford, Dave Stewart) – 04:41 . 7.The Abingdon Chasp (Allan Holdsworth) – 04:50 . 8.Forever Until Sunday (Bill Bruford) – 05:46 . 9.The Sahara Of Snow, Pt. 1 (Bill Bruford) – 05:18 . 10.The Sahara Of Snow, Pt. 2 (Bill Bruford, Eddie Jobson) – 03:23
Musicians : Bill Bruford – Percussion, Drums . Jeff Berlin – Bass, Vocals . Allan Holdsworth – Guitar . Dave Stewart – Keyboards, Synthesizers . Eddie Jobson – Violin
Production : Produced By Bill Bruford . Stephen W Tayler – Engineer
Package : Alwyn Clayden – Art Direction, Design . Sheila Rock – Photography . John Shaw – Photography
Recorded In January & February 1979 At Trident Studios In London.
Released In June 1979 By Winterfold.
(Source Bruford – One of a Kind | One of a Kind | Bill Bruford – Official Site)

All About Jazz
That “Hell’s Bells” and “The Abingdon Chasp” seemed to fit seamlessly within the overall complexion of the album is simply a testament to the fact that, while every member was a strong musical personality, they were also an ensemble that moved forward with a singular vision. […]
The jazzy and slightly Spanish opening section gives way to a mid-’70s Zappa-like section. (Think Ruth Underwood.) Then Holdsworth starts ripping away. […]
From the get-go, this collection of ten tracks stands as a maelstrom of chops, arranging skills and inspired ensemble playing. Easily the dynamics between drums, keys and fretless bass provide a high profile, capable structure for Holdsworth’s top-flight soloing ability. […]
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