Impulse! publish John Scofield’s ‘Past Present,’ an album recorded with Bill Stewart, Joe Lovano and Larry Grenadier (2015)

John Scofield‘s ‘Past Present’ is an album recorded with Bill Stewart, Joe Lovano and Larry Grenadier and released on September 25, 2015 by Impulse!


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Track Listing : . 1.Slinky (John Scofield) – 07:09 . 2.Chap Dance (John Scofield) – 05:20 . 3.Hangover (John Scofield) – 06:34 . 4.Museum (John Scofield) – 06:30 . 5.Season Creep (John Scofield) – 05:03 . 6.Get Proud (John Scofield) – 05:21 . 7.Enjoy The Future! (John Scofield) – 05:23 . 8.Mr. Puffy (John Scofield) – 05:01 . 9.Past Present (John Scofield) – 06:02

Musicians : John Scofield – Guitar . Larry Grenadier – Double Bass . Joe Lovano – Sax (Tenor) . Bill Stewart – Drums

Production : Produced By John Scofield Ian Callanan – Assistant Engineer . Jay Newland – Engineer, Mixing . Brian Montgomery – Pro-Tools . Mark Wilder – Mastering

Package : Farida Bachir – Art Direction . Philippe Levy-Stab – Cover Photo . Josef Woodard – Liner Notes

Recorded .

Released On September 25, 2015 By Impulse!.

(Source John Scofield – Past Present | Past Present | John Scofield – Official Website)

John Scofield


Songs We Love: John Scofield, ‘Mr. Puffy’And that’s what it is: four jazz musicians very much in the moment, looking back at events that informed the music they’re playing—and listening back to a sound three of them created some 20 years ago. […]


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