Toni Braxton’s ‘Sex & Cigarettes’ is your smell after cheating. So! stop smoking & unclog her heart. One more album about quitting
Toni Braxton‘ s ‘Sex & Cigarettes’ is her eighth studio album (and her first with some explicit words) produced mostly with Paul Boutin and released on March 23, 2018 by Def Jam Records.
(Source Toni Braxton – Sex & Cigarettes | Official Site)

The Guardian
Like Billie Holiday, Braxton’s voice reflexively bends towards sadness, and it continues to do so even […]
the now 50-year-old Braxton’s elegant, cognac-smooth vocals that haven’t weakened in the face of … […]
Knox news
..through the stages of heartbreak, including anger, dismay, sorrow and loneliness. And she does it through […]
Toni Braxton – Sex & Cigarettes
AMAZON . ITUNES . Toni Braxton‘s “Sex & Cigarettes” is what you smell after cheating. Then stop smoking! save your lungs & unclog your heart. One more album about quitting’ target=’_blank’>CD UNIVERSE
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