Anti publish Tom Waits’ live album : ‘Glitter and Doom’ (2009)

Tom Waits‘ ‘Glitter and Doom’ is a live album recorded during Waits’ ‘Glitter and Doom Tour’ in the summer of 2008 and released on November 23, 2009 by Anti.


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1 . Trampled Rose (“The Orphans Tour,” 2006)

2 . (Le Grand Rex, Paris / May 24, 2008)

3 . Get Behind The Mule (Paris, Le Grand Rex, 2000)

4 . Dirt In The Ground (Milan, Teatro Degli Arcimboldi)

5 . Make It Rain (“Letterman,” 09.09.04)

6 . Lucky Day (Amsterdam, 2004)


Track Listing : 1.Lucinda/Ain’T Goin’ Down (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 05:37 . 2.Singapore (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 05:00 . 3.Get Behind The Mule (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 06:26 . 4.Fannin Street (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 04:16 . 5.Dirt In The Ground (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 05:18 . 6.Such A Scream (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 02:54 . 7.Live Circus (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 05:04 . 8.Goin’ Out West (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 03:48 . 9.Falling Down (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 04:21 . 10.The Part You Throw Away (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 05:06 . 11.Trampled Rose (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 05:06 . 12.Metropolitan Glide (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 03:09 . 13.I’Ll Shoot The Moon (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 04:25 . 14.Green Grass (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 03:20 . 15.Make It Rain (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 03:58 . 16.Story(Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 02:02 . 17.Lucky Day (Tom Waits, Kathleen Brennan) – 03:47

Musicians : Tom Waits – Vocals, Guitar . Seth Ford-Young – Bass Guitar . Vincent Henry – Woodwinds And Harmonica . Omar Torrez – Guitar, Banjo . Casey Waits – Percussion . Sullivan Waits – Clarinet . Patrick Warren – Keyboard

Production : Produced By Kathleen Brennan, Tom Waits . Karl Derfler – Engineer, Mixing . Gavin Lurssen – Mastering

Package : Trevor Hernandez – Art Direction . Julianne Deery – Photography . Kenny Mathieson – Photography . Michael O’Brien – Cover Photo . Michael T. Regan – Photography . Scott Spychalski – Back Cover Photo . Marcello Villani – Photography

Recorded Summer Of 2008.

Released On November 23, 2009 By Anti-.

(Source Tom Waits – Glitter and Doom Live | Official Site)

Tom Waits


But I seriously doubt anyone bought tickets for his Glitter and Doom Tour last year because of his relationship to American blues. Instead, they went to see Waits the showman’s showman, who regales them with tall tales of hopeless city dwellers and heartbroken hucksters with a campfire intimacy that makes these otherworldly denizens feel very real. […]

Paste Magazine
After all, Waits has always had a contrarian streak in him. He’s a musical Peter Pan, doing exactly what he wants when he wantsand, damn what anyone thinks, he’ll never grow up. […]

The trouble is that Waits is a very intimate artist and on a track such as Singapore (the opening song from what’s probably his finest album, 1985’s Rain Dogs) he relies on a skeleton’s rib cage marimba and parping tuba to intertwine subtly. Live, the same track has to swell to fill the kind of venue that he probably didn’t have in mind when sitting at a piano and writingand subtlety loses out to bluster. […]


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