Brad Mehldau and Mark Guiliana – Mehliana: Taming the Dragon

“Mehliana: Taming the Dragon” by Brad Mehldau & Mark Guiliana is their debut album released in February 2014 by Nonesuch.


BMAMG - MTTD (February 2014)


Track Listing : 1.Taming The Dragon (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 06:42 . 2.Luxe (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 05:40 . 3.You Can‘T Go Back Now (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 05:45 . 4.The Dreamer (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 05:24 . 5.Elegy For Amelia E. (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 07:34 . 6.Sleeping Giant (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 06:17 . 7.Hungry Ghost (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 05:01 . 8.Gainsbourg (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 07:52 . 9.Just Call Me Nige (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 05:41 . 10.Sassyassed Sassafrass (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 05:52 . 11.Swimming (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 04:58 . 12.London Gloaming (Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana) – 04:57

Musicians : Brad Mehldau – Synths, Rhodes, Acoustic Piano . Mark Guiliana – Drums, Electronics

Production : Produced By Brad Mehldau, Mark Guiliana

Recorded 2013.

Released In February 2014 By Nonesuch.

"Mehliana: Taming the Dragon" by  <a href=Brad Mehldau & Mark Guiliana ‘ />


There’s a sense, though, if you put those surface arguments aside, that Mehldau has finally found a space where he can challenge himself — having so firmly established his own voice, his own style, even his own tics, in straight-ahead circles. Within Guiliana’s taut, propulsive cadences, Mehliana: Taming the Dragon uncovers the humor in his playing again, the impish creativity — successfully dynamiting, along the way, what had typically become a why-so-serious demeanor […]

music OMH
Any purists with little tolerance for electronics and fragmented structures will undoubtedly prefer Mehldau’s trio work. For those with less prescriptive tastes, there’s something liberating for both musicians in this duo setting and a clear sense of mischievous fun amidst the heightened claustrophobic tension. […]

Though it’s quite sophisticated, this album is a hell of a lot of fun. Mehldau and Guiliana integrate all of the musical, stylistic, and technological elements at their disposal into an imaginative, provocative — and focused — whole. Fans of Marco Benevento and Medeski, Martin & Wood take note. […]


“Mehliana: Taming the Dragon” by Brad Mehldau & Mark Guiliana M


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