Reprise publish Neil Young’s fourth album : ‘Harvest’ featuring ‘Old Man’ and ‘Heart of Gold’ (1972)
Neil Young‘s ‘Harvest’ is his fourth album, featuring James Taylor, Linda Ronstadt, David Crosby, Graham Nash and Stephen Stills as guests and released on February 1, 1972 by Reprise.
Neil Young – Harvest
Track Listing : 1.Out On The Weekend (Neil Young) – 04:35 . 2.Harvest (Neil Young) – 03:11 . 3.A Man Needs A Maid (Neil Young) – 04:05 . 4.Heart Of Gold (Neil Young) – 03:07 . 5.Are You Ready For The Country? (Neil Young) – 03:33 . 6.Old Man (Neil Young) – 03:24 . 7.There’S A World (Neil Young) – 02:59 . 8.Alabama (Neil Young) – 04:02 . 9.The Needle And The Damage Done (Neil Young) – 02:03 . 10.Words (Between The Lines Of Age) (Neil Young) – 06:40
Musicians : Neil Young – Lead Vocals, Guitars, Piano, Harmonica . Ben Keith – Pedal Steel Guitar . Jack Nitzsche – Piano, Lap Steel Guitar . Tim Drummond – Bass . Kenny Buttrey – Drums . Teddy Irwin – Second Acoustic Guitar On (4) . John Harris – Piano On (2) . James Mcmahon – Piano On (6) . James Taylor – Banjo Guitar, Backing Vocals On (4 – 6) . Linda Ronstadt – Backing Vocals On (4 – 6) . David Crosby – Backing Vocals On (5 – 8) . Stephen Stills – Backing Vocals On (8 – 10) . Graham Nash – Backing Vocals On (5 – 10) . London Symphony Orchestra – Orchestra On (3 – 7) . John Harris – Main Personnel, Piano . John Harris – Piano . Teddy Irwin – Guitar . Ben Keith – Dobro, Guitar, Guitar (Steel), Main Personnel, Pedal Steel, Vocals . Henry Lewy – Audio Production, Producer . London Symphony Orchestra – Main Personnel, Orchestra, Performer, Primary Artist . Elliot Mazer – Audio Production, Producer . James Mcmahon – Piano . David Meecham – Conductor
Production : Produced By Neil Young, Elliot Mazer, Henry Lewy, Jack Nitzsche .
Arrangements : Jack Nitzsche On (3)
Package : Joel Bernstein – Photography . Tom Wilkes – Design
Recorded January–September 1971.
Released On February 1, 1972 By Reprise.
(Source Neil Young – Harvest | Official Site)

Classic Rock Review
It is where rock and roll goes to Nashville (literally), with simple and tight rhythms and subtle acoustic guitars are flavored by distant steel guitars and harmonica all under clearly vocalized lyrics about the simple struggles of life. […]
The #1 selling album in the U.S. in 1972, Harvest showed the world that our maple syrup drinking nation of beaver-hunters and puck slappers, and all that other Canadian stereotype bullshit, could compete in the popular music world; […]
Dark_Elf @ RateYourMusic
One more Neil Young album savaged by critics when it was first released, but later hailed as a masterpiece. Make up your damn minds or, better yet, shut the hell up! Harvest is and always was an acoustic gem. […]
Thanks to the following musicians : 1968california . Alan Robinson . Amosdoll Music . Andy Nickless . apache1061 . bluebeardit . drumfisk . eljee921 . gakunandoh . Genghis Kon . George Possley . georgiarose16 . goldhat3 . Groundhogmusic . GuitarJamz . . James Blackburn-Lynch . JoesGuitar lessons . Johndrakenosix . Jonathan O’Donnell . JustinGuitar Songs . jwcfree . . mahalodotcom . Marty Music . MusicallyDeclin3d . Neil Young Lesson Channel’ target=’_blank’>Neil Young Lesson Channel . PapastachePop . PlayHarmonicaEasily . privettricker . Raskali . Shutup & Play – guitar tutorials . Siggi Mertens . Sitchad1 . TGAcousticLessons . VGStratGuy . Vince Dixon
Neil Young‘s ‘Harvest’ on RVM RadioVideo.Music

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