En Place Pour La Java
Featuring Java vache . Kbio1200! . Le dénicheur . Gérald . Au Plaisir Des Bois . La Java Bleue . Piaffinitee . La java de Cezigue . Maurice Larcange . Reine De Musette . A. Musichihi . Brise Napolitaine . Les Primitifs du Futur . La Java Viennoise
Wikipedia : The Java is a dance developed in France in the early part of the 20th century. The origin of its name is uncertain, but it probably evolved from the mazurka. It is a fast waltz, with the dancers very close together, walking by small steps. In fact, some men place their hands on their partner’s buttocks while dancing it.
Musette Info : In order to experience a “shiver of fear”, the classiest of the bourgeoisie sometimes went and mixed with the “masses” in these often dingy and sordid places.This led to a theatrical element in certain dance establishments (particularly in the Bastille area) where, up until World War II, one could find “fake crooks”, “fake police raids” and “fake gunshots” for the benefit of tourists…
Edith Piaf : By the autumn of 1935 Piaf had come to the attention of Louis Leplée, a Paris night-life figure who booked her into the Gerny’s club. ..In the spring of 1936, however, Leplée was murdered, a sordid affair that finished up rebounding on Piaf and soiling her image.
slipcue.com : Billed as the greatest of the Depression-era chanteuses, Sylva certainly had a strong, authoritative air about her — not strident or overstated, simply very clear and very perfect. She sounds rather reserved in comparison to Edith Piaf, but these 1930s Odeon recordings are still very moving and will captivate your attention.
Third Island : Maurice Larcange and his orchestra serve up a delightful slice of easy-listening a-la Francais. As I pointed out in a previous post, I am rather partial to the films of Jaques Tati. If the whimsical soundtracks of his movies are to your taste,
Les Primitifs du Futur on MySpace : Legendary underground cartoonist Robert Crumb and guitarist Dominique Cravic founded Les Primitifs du Futur in 1986 craving real Parisian musette instead of poor imitations heard in variety shows. It sounds like they’ve stepped right out the ’30s, the members of Les Primitifs du Futur brilliantly blend world-musette and Django-style guitar into old-fashion originals.
Music Paradise : Yvette Horner, born September 22 1922 in Tarbes is a French accordionist. She studied music at the Conservatoire de Tarbes then to Toulouse where, aged 11, she won a 1st prize for piano. Her education continued in Paris where she studies with Robert Bréard.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art : The musette is a refined form of bagpipe with a bellows that generates wind to inflate the bag and sound a chanter and a bourdon. The bourdon is a device to play the drones. This musette is one of the luxurious pieces used in French aristocratic circles between 1620 and 1760.
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