Bali Tones
Featuring Bali . Balinese . Dancers . Ubud Bali . Gamelan . Galak Tika . Music ceremony . Instrumental . Tari Pendet dari . Indonesia . Tari Legong Legod Bawa . Gamelan : The traditional Balinese orchestra, known as gamelan, is composed of various forms of percussions, with notes overlapping and criss crossing among the various kinds. There is a number of string and woodwind instruments, but most of the players, which can range from a few to several dozen, sit behind various kinds of metallophones, gongs, and xylophones.
BaliVision : The Balinese word telu means three, and the common feature of all kotekan telu figuration is the use of three adjacent tones that function as a unit or cell around the pokok tone.
Kecak dot Com : Probably the best known of the many Balinese dances, the Kechak is also unusual in that it does not have a gamelan accompaniment. Instead the background is provided by a chanting ‘choir’ of men who provide the ‘chak-a-chak-a-chak’ noise.
The Drakhan’s Lair : I’d never heard of gamelan music until he began putting it in the background of a few Jack Flanders adventures. For that matter, I’d never heard of Bali. Like most Westerners, my knowledge of Indonesia is woefully inadequate.
Bali For You : New works are constantly being created and premiered before village audiences eager for new combinations of sound, and movement. If these pieces are deemed worthy by the players and the audience, they are added to the existing repertoire and may even gain island-wide popularity. : Based in the small Balinese village of Tegas Ganginan, the Gunung Jati Ensemble is an example of a gamelan (gamelan is singular, gamelen is plural) that plays in the semarpeguligan style, which dates back to the 16th Century.
Wikipedia : Joged bumbung is a style of gamelan music from Bali, Indonesia on instruments made primarily out of bamboo. The ensemble gets its name from joged, a flirtatious dance often performed at festivals and parties. This style of Gamelan is especially popular in Northern and Western Bali, but is easily found all over the island.
Amazon : first listened to this music while visiting the home of a Malaysian Prince on the Southern coast of Bali Indonesia. Overlooking a black sand beach the music of Semana Ratih captured the tempest of the Indian ocean roaring below.
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