A Matter of Choirs
Featuring Latvian Song Festival . Aunu . Aunu Balti Kajas . St. Thomas Choir Thomanerchor . Matthäuspassion . Milton Friedman Choir . The Corporation . Soweto Gospel Choir . As It Happens Complaints Choir . Complaints Choir Of Birmingham . Stand By Me . Beautiful Girls . The Choir . Russian Red Army Choir . Little Bell Kolokoltschik . Leningrad Cowboys . Red Army Choir . Sweet Home Alabama . Vienna Boychoir . Canon . Angel Voices I Have A Dream . Celtic Woman . A New Journey . Orinoco Flow . The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir . I´M Amazed . This Is What My Car Feels Like
Riga-life.com : Taking the idea from the recent German practice of organising huge choir concerts, the Latvians organised their first Song Festival in Riga in 1873 in which 45 choirs and 1019 participants took part.
Singers.com : The Vienna Boys’ Choir is one of the oldest boys’ choirs existing in the world. For nearly five hundred years they have been a symbol of Austria. A founding document of Maximilian I in 1498 called the first dozen boys to the imperial court as members of the newly formed court music band. Thus he showed his great interest in contemporary musical developments in Burgundy and the Netherlands.
Complaints Choirs Worldwide : It all got started during a winter day walk of Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen in Helsinki. Perhaps it was due to the coldness of the day that they ended up discussing the possibility of transforming the huge energy people put into complaining into something else. Perhaps not directly into heat – but into something powerful anyway.
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir : In the early 1980’s, Carol Cymbala decided to “make a little tape for the church,” and when she had trouble finding enough appropriate songs, she began writing them. Although she cannot read or write music, the Lord has given her a special gift to direct and create from the heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Froncysyllte : To compete in the Male Voice Competition at the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod the Choir needed 60 voices so Wilfred Jones, the leader of the Froncysyllte Youth Club, persuaded the young men of the village to join.
The Robert Farnon Society : His fame was assured in 1952, when the BBC Dance Orchestra was changed to the BBC Show Band, and Cyril Stapleton was appointed as its conductor. This was the BBC’s prestige outfit for the playing of popular music, employing the finest musicians and arrangers, and the first programme went out on the Light Programme on 2 October 1952.
S p a c e A g e P o p M u s i c : At first glance, the Gunter Kallmann Chorus looks like a German version of the Ray Conniff Singers, all clean cut and smiling as they heartily sing out their phonetically precise English lyrics to international pop hits (“Moore then the grate-hest laaf I giff to Hugh”). Then you notice something odd, some annoying, persistent ambient noise.
Glasgow Phoenix Choir : Founded in 1951 when members of the disbanded Glasgow Orpheus Choir decided to continue the then 50 year old tradition begun in 1901, it continues to perform throughout the British Isles, Europe and the North American Continent.
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