Water Women
From ‘I Like London In The Rain’ to ‘Let rivers flow’ , we have mixed 20 ‘Jazz & Latin‘ tunes around the theme of ‘Four Elements (Water)‘. It has Zezo Ribeiro, Marlene Dietrich , Brunella Selo , Nina Simone and many more.
Marlene Dietrich : “If she had nothing more than her voice she could break your heart with it. But she has that beautiful body and the timeless lovliness of her face. It makes no difference how she breaks your heart if she is there to mend it.” Ernest Hemingway
news.com.au : “I like phrases that mean different things and easy come, easy go means sex, it means money. It means both at the same time,” Marianne Faithfull says in that wonderful, deep, raw, whisky-soaked voice.
Pauline Scanlon on Myspace : Deeply immersed in the tradition yet completely aware of the edgier developments in contemporary alternative music, Scanlon is capable of making the oldest ballads sound immediate and fresh while granting newer material a timeless resonance. She was nominated in the best Folk/Trad category in the 2004 Meteor Awards.
Jamie Wong Li : Years of inexhaustible energy and many ups and downs have resulted in retreats and contemplation. But Jamie Wong-Li has never given up her hopes. On the contrary, she has been struggling through all her life, standing up after defeats. She is a cofounder of the Jazz quartett “James”, which is currently touring Switzerland.
Sharon Isbin : Born in Minneapolis, Sharon Isbin began her guitar studies at age nine in Italy, and later studied with Andrès Segovia and Oscar Ghiglia. Joaquin Rodrigo and Sharon share a reunionat his home in Madrid on May 23, l998.Ms. Isbin’s catalogue of over 25 recordings—from Baroque, Spanish/Latin and 20th Century to crossover and jazz-fusion—reflects remarkable versatility.
Uxia : Looking into the Atlantic is a horizon that speaks to me so that I can express myself louder and clearer. That sea that unites us brings back and forth musics in an eternal sailing of feelings. I offer then my voice as an instrument that cannot lie, and disembark at ports of hope, love and lovelessness, commitment, tenderness and joy in a synthesis of vital restlessness.
Lena Horne on PBS : Like many politically active artists of the time, Horne found herself blacklisted and unable to perform on television or in the movies. For seven years the attacks on her person and political beliefs continued. During this time, however, Horne worked as a singer, appearing in nightclubs and making some of her best recordings
Chiquinha Gonzaga on Wikipedia : In 1863, at age 16, Francisca married Jacinto do Amaral, a navy official, 8 years older than her, who would not agree to allow Chiquinha to pursue a musical career. With the marriage not doing well, Chiquinha, after having her third baby, fled her husband and was “declared dead and of unpronounceable name” by her father. She became the first woman in Brazil to obtain a legal divorce.
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