Sweet Suite

From ‘Cherry’ to ‘Apple Honey’ , we have mixed in “Sweet Suite”, 19 ‘Jazz‘ tunes around the theme of ‘Sweets And Desserts‘. It has Roland Kirk, Duke Ellington, Eric Donaldson, Herb Ellis and many more.

IMAGE : 365 day one hundred & one: aftermath (aka why you should give me cake) Photo by Foxtongue

billevanswebpages.com: As explained in the original liner notes, “Sugar Plum” was originated when a lyricist called Bill to let him know he’d written a lyric based on a four-bar improvised phrase he heard on one of Evans’ records (it’s from one of the tunes on the Jim Hall collaboration, Intermodulation) “Sugar Plum” is a short, repeated structure taking the player through all twelve keys. Starting in G, it’s Gma7-Fmaj7 twice then a ii-V-I progression to C major, continuing on through the cycle of fifths.

Cynsations : Now, not only am I a Duke Ellington fan, but Tchaikovsky, too. On several occasions, I found myself jogging to Ellington’s “Sugar Rum Cherry” and Tchaikovsky’s “Miniature Overture,” and liking it! Both these guys were geniuses.

Fast Lane International : Eric Donaldson, will forever be associated with the Jamaican Festival Song Competition; in particular, for his winning 1971 entry “Cherry Oh Baby,” sung in his trademark falsetto voice, and which launched his career in reggae music.

Gerrymulligan.info : The Mulligan Quartet was again recording regularly for the Pacific label, undertaking at least one session per month through the Spring of 1953. The whole history of jazz now seemed compressed into this music. From the Dixieland feel of “Cherry” to the bop-like rhythmic displacements of “Motel,” the Mulligan band covered all the bases.

Zolac : Gloria Wood sang with Kay Kyser in the 1940s, known chiefly for her vocal on The Woody Woodpecker Song…. later solo on Capitol for a number of sides, other labels. Hey Bellboy was one of most popular.. In the mid 1950′s she did an entire LP of romantic ballads for Columbia. In the late 1950s did a record with Rick Nelson and other obscure labels.. Also headed up a choir featured on a Disney record and was a voice in any number of adverts (for instance with Stan Freberg), cartoons and record albums.

Zune.net : While Bing Crosby, the Andrews Sisters, and Jimmy Dorsey (all on Decca) were the top recording artists of 1944, James came in fourth without ever stepping into a recording studio. His instrumental “Cherry,” recorded in 1942, became a Top Five hit early in the year;

Wikipedia : Too Much Sugar for a Dime is an album by Henry Threadgill, released in 1993 on the Axiom label. It has been described as: “a mad, glorious romp which explores some very dark timbres and tonalities and yet remains witty, fresh and consistently exciting.” (

Jackie Gleason Enterprises : The idea was to split Gleason’s time slot into two half hour shows: The Honeymooners, and Stage Show, a music and variety combination hosted by the Dorsey Brothers. Both shows were owned by Gleason. The 1955-56 episodes of The Honeymooners became known as the “original thirty-nine.”

PLAYLIST : Gloria Wood – Oh. Honey (1.46) . Jackie Paris – Cherry (2.42) . Stan Getz – Sweetie Pie (2.31) . Harry James – Cherry (3.02) . Les Brown – Éasy as pie (3.14) . Roland Kirk – Taste of Honey (2.36) . Ted Heath – Apple Honey (3.18) . Jazz Jamaica – Blackberry Brandy (2.47) . Gerry Mulligan Quartet – Cherry (2.57) . Frank Sinatra – Sunshine Cake (3.11) . Eric Donaldson – Cherry Oh Baby (3.03) . Duke Ellington – Sugar Rum Cherry (3.08) . Leroy Holmes – You Gotta Taste All The Fruit (2.39) . Jackie Gleason – A Taste Of Honey (3.41) . Herb Ellis – Patti Cake (6.03) . Jazz Crusaders – Cookie Man (5.41) . Bill Evans – Sugar Plum (8.17) . Woody Herman & His Orchestra – Apple Honey (4.37) . Stanley Turrentine – Sugar (10.03) .

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