Indra Rios-Moore – Heartland
Released in April 2015, “Heartland” is the third (and produced by Larry Klein) album by American born / Danish resident Indra Rios-Moore with husband / saxophonist Benjamin Trærup.

The result is Heartland and it is unique collection of songs, songs that represent Indra’s eclectic musical background including, jazz, folk, rock and classical music. They run the gamut from Duke Ellington to Doc Watson and from Billie Holiday to David Bowie with a Spanish love song, a Yoruban song to the deity Oshun, with parts of a requiem thrown in for good measure. […]
Clive Davis
Remember her name. My album of the week in today’s Sunday Times [£]: Indra Rios-Moore’s “Heartland” […]
France Musique
Heartland est un album remarquable, et sa construction un véritable « travail d’amour ». L’amour qui unit Indra et Benjamin s’entend dans chaque note chantée et jouée, même si on y entend une lutte aussi : s’ils avaient pris d’autres décisions en cours de route, le résultat aurait été tout autre. […]
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