Fleetwood Mac release their eleventh album ‘Rumours’ featuring ‘Go Your Own Way,’ ‘Dreams,’ ‘Don’t Stop’ and ‘You Make Loving Fun’ (1977)

Fleetwood Mac‘s ‘Rumours’ feat. ‘Go Your Own Way’ and ‘Don’t Stop’ is their eleventh (and their best selling to date) studio album released on February 4, 1977 by Warner Bros.


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1 . Second Hand News

2 . Second Hand News (1978)

3 . Don’t Stop

4 . Go Your Own Way (“Dance Tour,” 1997)

5 . The Chain (Live, 1979)

6 . The Chain (Live, 1982)

7 . You Make Loving Fun

8 . You Make Loving Fun (w/ Christine McVie, Live, 2014)

9 . Oh Daddy (“Rumours Tour,” Japan, 1977)

10 . Oh Daddy


Track Listing : 1.Second Hand News (Lindsey Buckingham) – 02:56 . 2.Dreams (Stevie Nicks) – 04:14 . 3.Never Going Back Again (Lindsey Buckingham) – 02:14 . 4.Don’T Stop (Christine Mcvie) – 03:13 . 5.Go Your Own Way (Lindsey Buckingham) – 03:38 . 6.Songbird (Christine Mcvie) – 03:20 . 7.The Chain (Lindsey Buckingham, Mick Fleetwood, Christine Mcvie, John Mcvie, Stevie Nicks) – 04:30 . 8.You Make Loving Fun (Christine Mcvie) – 03:31 . 9.I Don’T Want To Know (Stevie Nicks) – 03:15 . 10.Oh Daddy (Christine Mcvie) – 03:56 . 11.Gold Dust Woman (Stevie Nicks) – 04:56

Musicians : Fleetwood Mac – Band . Lindsey Buckingham – Guitars, Dobro, Percussion, Lead Vocals On (1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 9) . Stevie Nicks – Lead Vocals On (2 – 7 – 11) . Christine Mcvie – Keyboards, Lead Vocals On (4 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 10) . John Mcvie – Bass Guitar . Mick Fleetwood – Drums, Percussion, Harpsichord

Production : Produced By Fleetwood Mac, Ken Caillat, Richard Dashut . Ken Caillat – Engineer . Richard Dashut – Engineer . Chris Morris – Assistant Engineer . Ken Perry – Mastering . Charlie Watts – Mastering

Package : Desmond Strobel – Design . Larry Vigon – Calligraphy . Herbert W. Worthington – Photography

Recorded In 1976.

Released On February 4, 1977 By Warner Bros..

(Source Fleetwood Mac – Rumours | Official Site)


Slant Magazine
And yes, while we’ve all heard “Don’t Stop” perhaps a few dozen times too many (thanks in part to that cigar-loving, sax-playing President from days past), I still had to admit that, indeed, this album is one worth celebrating—preferably with a big bowl of cocaine handy. […]

Heartbreak. The five musicians who wrote these songs were a complete mess at the time. Let’s take inventory: Drummer Mick Fleetwood’s wife cheated on him with his best friend; on-and-off couple Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks finally split prior to these recording sessions; and…. […]

If the age was about redundant excess, you are hard pushed to hear any of it on tunes like “Don’t Stop” or especially “Dreams”, which both benefit from incredibly sparing instrumentation – there is so much left out, it makes the tunes somehow seem busier by memory. […]


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Thanks to the following musicians : Aaron Carlino . AdamStevensBass . Aeryn Larkin . andrew mckinley . Andy Guitar . Constantine Isslamow . Corey Heuvel . David Craine . David Saints-Gome . Domenic Nardone . drewfonts . EbiTron . Eric Branner . GEORGE KARTSONAKIS . georgiarose16 . gtrjoeles . Guitar World . GuitarJamz . GuitarLessons365Song . GuitarTips1 . Harry Spencer . howtoplaybassdotcom . infusion26 . Jam with RoBina . James James . Jane . JC . JustinGuitar Songs . kirbyscovers . Licklibrary – Online Guitar Lessons . mahalodotcom . Morrisman Smith . mtreed55 . MunsonCovers . MunsonMusicLive . Nail Guitar – Song Lessons . PartyMarty EasyGuitarTunes . PonyboyInNewZealand . privettricker . progrockertom . Rafael Calmon . Ryan Newton . Ryan Williams . sharkytwo . Shawn Cheek . Shutup & Play – guitar tutorials . sky loft art . stevertr . Stevie Dewar . stratocasterbob . TJH3113 . tonedr . vanholland357 . William Haviland . wwwLickByNeckComP19


Fleetwood Mac‘s ‘Rumours’ feat. ‘Go Your Own Way’ and ‘Don’t Stop’ on RVM RadioVideo.Music


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