Eric Clapton releases his eighth album : ‘Money and Cigarettes’ (1983)

Eric Clapton‘s ‘Money and Cigarettes’ is his eighth studio album released in February 1983 by Duck / Warner Bros.


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1 . Everybody Oughta Change Sometime (1983)

2 . I’ve Got A Rock ‘N Roll Heart (Toronto, 2010)

3 . Crosscut Saw (w/ Otis Rush)

4 . (On “Chas And Dave Show,” 1982)


Track Listing : 1.Everybody Oughta Make A Change (Sleepy John Estes) – 03.16 . 2.The Shape You’Re In (Eric Clapton) – 04.08 . 3.Ain’T Going Down (Eric Clapton) – 04.01 . 4.I’Ve Got A Rock ‘N’ Roll Heart (Steve Diamond, Troy Seals, Eddie Setser) – 03.13 . 5.Man Overboard (Eric Clapton) – 03.45 . 6.Pretty Girl (Eric Clapton) – 05.29 . 7.Man In Love (Eric Clapton) – 02.46 . 8.Crosscut Saw (R.G. Ford) – 03.30 . 9.Slow Down Linda (Eric Clapton) – 04.14 . 10.Crazy Country Hop (Johnny Otis) – 02.46

Musicians : Eric Clapton – Guitar, Slide Guitar, Vocals . Ry Cooder – Guitar . Albert Lee – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals . Donald “Duck” Dunn – Bass . Roger Hawkins – Drums . Chuck Kirkpatrick – Background Vocals . John Sambataro – Background Vocals . Peter Solley – Hammond Organ

Production : Produced By Tom Dowd & Eric Clapton . Michael Carnevale – Engineer . Steve Klein – Mixing Assistant

Package : Graham Hughes – Photography . Ian Murray – Design, Typography

Recorded Late 1982.

Released In February 1983 By Duck / Warner Bros..

(Source Eric Clapton‘ – Money and Cigarettes | Official Website)

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Rolling Stone
Like most of Clapton’s recent solo records, Money and Cigarettes makes no claim to greatness. Still, the simple, unaffected blues power at work here is surprising and refreshing. […]

Ultimate Classic Rock
31 Years Ago: Eric Clapton‘ Releases ‘Money and Cigarettes’Throughout, though, he hadn’t played the guitar — Clapton’s principal claim to fame, then as now — with as much clarity and force since ‘Layla.’ A cover of ‘Crosscut Saw,’ the old hit for Albert King, is the grooviest thing we’d heard from him in perhaps at least that long. […]

Scott’s Rock and Soul Album Reviews
Alas, for whatever reason (pressure from his new record company for a more commercial product, perhaps?) Eric plays things much too safeand the inconsistent songwriting further hinders the process, resulting in a patchy, underwhelming album that lacks any truly classic songs and is therefore for hardcore Eric Clapton‘ fans only. […]


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Thanks to the following musicians : Adam Spencer . Dan Liebman . Garrett Nordquist . gtrjoeles . hayamagama3 . kirbyscovers . m454b . Terry Kimura . Yusuf Bahar


Eric Clapton‘s ‘Money and Cigarettes’ on RVM RadioVideo.Music


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