Warner Bros. Records publish Bootsy’s Rubber Band’s third album : ‘Bootsy? Player of the Year’ (1978)
‘Bootsy? Player of the Year’ by Bootsy’s Rubber Band is their third album led by Bootsy Collins and released on January 27, 1978 by Warner Bros. Records.
Track Listing : 1.Bootsy? (What’S The Name Of This Town) (Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Maceo Parker) – 06:59 . 2.May The Force Be With You (Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Gary Cooper) – 06:02 . 3.Very Yes (Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Gary Cooper) – 08:24 . 4.Bootzilla (Bootsy Collins, George Clinton) – 05:38 . 5.Hollywood Squares (Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Frank Waddy) – 06:15 . 6.Roto-Rooter (Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Phelps Collins) – 06:25 . 7.As In (I Love You) (Bootsy Collins, George Clinton, Bernie Worrell) – 05:08
Musicians : Bootsy Collins – Bass, Guitar, Vocals . Phelps Catfish Collins – Bass, Guitar . Gary Mudbone Cooper – Drums, Vocals . Rick Gardner – Horn, Trumpet . Richard Kush Griffith – Horn . Joel Johnson – Keyboards . Robert P-Nut Johnson – Vocals . Maceo Parker – Guest Artist, Horn, Saxophone . Frankie Kash Waddy – Drums . Fred Wesley – Horn, Trombone
Production : Produced By Bootsy Collins, George Clinton . Jim Vitti – Engineer . Michael Iacopelli – Assistant Engineer
Package : Kevin Tong – Liner Notes
Recorded 1978 At United Sound Studios, Detroit, Michigan; Hollywood Sound Studios, Hollywood, California.
Released On January 27, 1978 By Warner Bros. Records.
(Source Bootsy’s Rubber Band – Bootsy? Player of the Year | Bootsy Collins @ Wikipedia)

Wilson & Alroy’s Record Reviews
Plus “Roto-Rooter,” which simply defies description. But usually he’s just covering territory he’d mapped out on his first two records (“What’s The Name Of This Town?”), so you might as well start with them. […]
Robert Christgau
When I pay attention, I note that the slow stuff oozes along sexy as come-from-the-state-they’re-named-after (back when they knew how to ooze) and the fast stuff gets over the hump just like rhymes-with-Podunk (long may they wave). When I think about it, I like the joke, too. […]
Andyd @ RateYourMusic
Bootsy’s third album treads a dangerous path between funk and discoand sadly too often falls off the edge in a sloppy mess. When it’s good, it’s fantastic […]
‘Bootsy? Player of the Year’ by Bootsy’s Rubber Band | RVM RadioVideo.MusicM
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